Please call us at (704) 576-8748 at least 24 hours before your scheduled appointment to notify us of any changes or to cancel. To cancel a Monday appointment, please call by 3PM Friday.
Alternatively, you can send a secure message to the Lactation Consultant within your MilkNotes Parent Portal 24 hours before your appointment time. You must receive a response on the Portal to consider the message received.
No Show / 24-hour Cancellation Policy.
It is our policy to monitor and manage a No Show/ 24-hour Appointment Cancellation Policy. Unfortunately, when a client cancels without giving 24-hour notice, this prevents us from rebooking that appointment slot and another client from being seen.
- In the event of a “No-Show” or “No-Call” missed appointment, without proper 24-hour notification, the card on file will be charged a $50 fee.
- This fee is not billable to your insurance.
- Please call us if you are running late. If you are more than 15 minutes late your appointment is considered missed and you will be charged the $50 fee.
- Two missed appointments may result in termination of the relationship with Jennifer Rothrock IBCLC, LLC.
Effective May 16, 2022